Jury Duty.

Last Sunday I tried a new thing that knocked something off my PSU bucket list.  I went to a movie at 5th Avenue Cinemas!  5th Avenue Cinema is Oregon’s only student-run cinema on the campus of PSU.  Free for students and only $3 for the general public, plus, FREE popcorn!  Hell yes!  We saw Rosemary’s Baby.  It was actually pretty creepy!  The music made the film.

That’s right, 1968 era Mia Farrow! FREE popcorn!

Last week’s new was a little different.  Read: incredibly draining.  Normally I try to keep this blog lighthearted.   However, last week’s new was not a subject that can be taken lightly, even at the risk of disappointing my 12 readers.  As you may have inferred from the title, I had jury duty.  I suppose jury duty, under certain circumstances, could have been funny.

That cat is not happy about being called.

However, this was a child molestation case.  A father was accused of molesting his daughters.   (Accused and subsequently convicted.)  It was 2.5 days of listening to testimony about the parts of children no one should be interested except for their doctor.  After that, another 1.5 days of discussing the extremely specific details about what was done to those parts and when.  It was rough.  I debated sharing the details with the reader (s) of this blog, but no one needs to hear that.  So just take my word that every day was filled with some fresh unpleasantness and we’ll leave it at that.

The only person who even slightly benefited from this whole thing was Clayton, who is thrilled that I have now completely lost interest in ever seeing another episode of Law and Order: SVU.  Clayton really hates Law and Order: SVU.

Saturday’s and Sunday’s new both involved foods.   Saturday was lunch at Pambiche where Mandy and I tried this delicious mango rum smoothie drink, and Sunday I had a Cinco de Mayo tamale with sweet potatoes and walnuts from Whole Foods.  It was amazing!

More new coming your way soon.  🙂

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